


HTTP GET request to get quaternions at given times for some plate IDs.




  • times : a list of times, such as times=10,20,30. a single time can also be used, such as times=100 [required]

  • pids : a list of plate IDs [required]

  • model : name for the reconstruction model (if not specified, will use the default model)

  • group_by_pid : group the results by plate IDs

  • start : start time, such as "start=1"

  • end : end time, such as "end=100"

  • step : the size of step from start time to end time, such as "step=1"


🟢 E1: get quaternions at 100Ma for plate ID 701

Click this link to try this example in a web browser.

Alternatively, use curl command.

curl "https://gws.gplates.org/rotation/get_quaternions?times=100&pids=701"

🟢 E2: get quaternions at 10Ma, 50Ma, 100Ma for plate ID 701, 801, 901

Click this link to try this example in a web browser.

Alternatively, use curl command.

curl "https://gws.gplates.org/rotation/get_quaternions?times=10,50,100&pids=701,801,901"

🟢 E3: get quaternions at 10Ma, 50Ma, 100Ma for all plate IDs

Click this link to try this example in a web browser.

Alternatively, use curl command.

curl "https://gws.gplates.org/rotation/get_quaternions?times=10,50,100"

🟢 E4: get quaternions from 1Ma to 100Ma with step 2Ma; group the results by plate IDs

Click this link to try this example in a web browser.

Alternatively, use curl command.

curl "https://gws.gplates.org/rotation/get_quaternions?start=1&end=100&step=2&pids=701,801,901&group_by_pid"

🟢 E5: a Python example. The Python file can be found at https://github.com/GPlates/gplates-web-service/blob/master/examples/get_rotation_with_web_service.py

import json
import random
import requests
SERVER_URL = "https://gws.gplates.org"
time = 100.0
# get all the plate IDs in the reconstruction tree at 100Ma
url = f"{SERVER_URL}/rotation/get_plate_ids?time={time}"
r = requests.get(url)
pids = json.loads(r.text)
# print(pids)
# pick up 10 random plate IDs from above plate IDs
random_pids = [pids[random.randint(0, len(pids) - 1)] for _ in range(10)]
times = list(range(0, 101, 10)) # give a list of times
# get quaternions for each time and plate ID
# if the plate id does not exist at the time, return identity rotation [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0](not moving)
url = f"{SERVER_URL}/rotation/get_quaternions?times={times}&pids={random_pids}"
# print(url)
r = requests.get(url)
ret = json.loads(r.text)
print(json.dumps(ret, indent=4, sort_keys=True))