Reconstruct Locations

Reconstruct Location Coordinates


Reconstruct the geographic locations from the present-day coordinates to the paleo-positions. Each location will be assigned a plate ID and moved back in time using the chosen reconstruction model.

HTTP GET/POST request to reconstruct location coordinates



  • lats : a list of latitudes of the locations [Required]

  • lons : a list of longitudes of the locations [Required]

  • anchor_plate_id : integer value for reconstruction anchor plate id [default=0]

  • time : geologic time(Ma) [required]

  • model : name for the reconstruction model (if not specified, will use the default model)

  • pids : specify plate IDs for each point to improve performance

  • pid : specify a single plate ID for all the points to improve performance (all points use the same plate ID)

  • reverse : If this flag is set, the server will return the present-day coordinates for the given paleo-coordinates

  • fc : If this flag is set, the server will return a GeoJSON feature collection

  • return_null_points : If this flag is set, the server will return null points. The null points happen when the present-day location does not exist back in the given geologic time. The return data will NOT be valid GeoJSON format.

  • ignore_valid_time : if this flag is set, the reconstruction will ignore the "valid time" constraint and will always return coordinates, even if the coordinates do not make sense(out of valid time). Use with caution.


Reconstructed coordinates in GeoJSON format.


🟢 E1: Reconstruct two locations((lon:95,lat:54)(lon:142,lat:-33)) back to 140 million years ago using the ZAHIROVIC2022 model.

Click this link to try this example in a web browser.

Alternatively, use curl command.

curl ",142&lats=54,-33&time=140&model=ZAHIROVIC2022"

🟢 E2: Reverse reconstruct the two paleo-coordinates ((lon:84.99,lat:59.26)(lon:123.37,lat:-65.76)) to present day.

Click this link to try this example in a web browser.

Alternatively, use curl command.

curl ",-65.76&lons=84.99,123.37&time=140&model=ZAHIROVIC2022&reverse"

🟢 E3: Return GeoJSON feature collection. The server will not only return the paleo-coordinates, but also the valid time.

Click this link to try this example in a web browser.

Alternatively, use curl command.

curl ""

🟢 E4: Return null for invalid locations. The invalid locations happen when the present-day locations do not exist back in the given geologic time. The return data will NOT be valid GeoJSON format, although it is valid JSON.

Click this link to try this example in a web browser.

Alternatively, use curl command.

curl ",10,50&lons=-100,160,100&time=100&model=PALEOMAP&return_null_points"

🟢 E5: Return 999.99 for invalid locations. The invalid locations happen when the present-day locations do not exist back in the given geologic time. The return data will be in a valid GeoJSON format.

Click this link to try this example in a web browser.

Alternatively, use curl command.

curl ",10,50&lons=-100,160,100&time=100&model=PALEOMAP"

🟢 E6: Use POST to reconstruct a large number of locations.

Click this link to see an example.

🟢 E7: Provide plate ID to improve performance. All points use the same pid.

Click this link to try this example in a web browser.

Alternatively, use curl command.

curl ",142&lats=54,-33&time=140&model=ZAHIROVIC2022&pid=801"

🟢 E8: Provide plate IDs to improve performance. One pid for each point.

Click this link to try this example in a web browser.

Alternatively, use curl command.

curl ",142&lats=54,-33&time=140&model=ZAHIROVIC2022&pids=801,704"