Raster Query
Raster Query
The raster query API allows users to get value(s) at given location(s) from a raster. You need to setup the database properly to use this API.
lon : longitude [-180, 180]
lat : latitude [-90, 90]
lons : a list of longitudes
lats : a list of latitudes
raster_name : the name of the raster
fmt: if set to "json", the server will return the data in JSON format.
Return the values at the given locations. Return nan or null if the data is missing in the raster.
If "fmt=json" is given, for a single location, the server will return data in JSON format.
For multiple locations, the server always returns data in JSON format.
🟢 E1: get raster value for a single location
Click this link to try this example in a web browser.
Alternatively, use curl command.
curl "https://gws.gplates.org/raster/query?lon=90&lat=-20&raster_name=age_grid_geek_2007"
🟢 E2: get raster value for a single location, return data in JSON format
Click this link to try this example in a web browser.
Alternatively, use curl command.
curl "https://gws.gplates.org/raster/query?lon=90&lat=-20&raster_name=age_grid_geek_2007&fmt=json"
🟢 E3: get raster values for multiple locations
Click this link to try this example in a web browser.
Alternatively, use curl command.
curl "https://gws.gplates.org/raster/query?raster_name=age_grid_geek_2007&lons=90,150,40,92&lats=-15,67,20,-12"